Death to Life Collection Disappears in:
SECONDSYou Missed It!
I placed an order a few weeks ago and received them all in less than 2 weeks. Specifically, I ordered a Bless God T-shirt. I saw the design online and picked one up for myself! I wore it out one night to meet a friend I hadn’t seen in over 6 years. He saw my shirt and loved the design. He himself does digital design printing for shirt, and any clothes ware. He saw the quality of the printing done and was amazing himself! I love this shirt as it can also be a conversation starter! The feel of the shirt is soft and true to size. I was so excited when it finally came in! The design just shows so much detail and you really see the time it took to come up with this overall T-shirt! I couldn’t be more happy with it. I pray others can use it as well to start conversation, and I pray Ruslan and his team continue to be a blessing those that don’t know the Lord, and as well as those that do!! They’ve blessed my life and I’m great full for what they are doing!
I absolutely love the shirts, my wife and I have multiple matching ones and they fit perfectly even after being washed and are made of quality material! The message on the merch is absolutely the best!! Bless God!!!